We use a coherent format for currencies, amounts and dates across all Smartpay APIs.


We use the ISO 4217 standard for defining currencies.

Currently only JPY is available.

 "currency": "jpy"


We express amounts in minor units according to the ISO 4217 standard. That means they are expressed in the smallest unit of currency.

Examples are JPY with 1000 representing ¥1000, USD with 1000 representing $10.

Currently only JPY is available.

 "amount": 1000,
 "currency": "jpy"


Strings may be up to 255 characters, unless otherwise noted in the field description.


Dates are expressed as Unix timestamps (milliseconds since the Unix epoch). The exception to this are dateOfBirth fields where we accept and return values in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

 "createdAt": 1630569530084,
 "dateOfBirth": "1981-09-06"


Countries are handled as two-letter country codes according to ISO 3166-1. Examples are JP for Japan, US for the United States, etc..

Currently only Japan is available.

 "country": "jp"


We expect all data that is sent to Smartpay's APIs to be UTF-8 encoded.