All get based endpoints that return a list of resources support cursor based pagination.
The results are returned in descending order by default, newest first.

Query Parameters
Number of objects to return. Defaults to 20 if not set. Maximum supported value is 100.
The cursor for the page to request. The request returns the current and the next page token to enable iterating through the objects page by page.
objectstring, value is "collection"
A string representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
The cursor of the returned page. This token can be used to request the same set of objects again.
The cursor for the next page. This token can be used to request the next set of objects. If missing, there are no further objects to return.
The maximum number of objects returned for this call. Equals to the maxResults query parameter specified (or 20 if not specified).
The actual number of objects returned for this call. This value is less than or equal to maxResults.
The array of objects returned by the request.