A webhook endpoint is used to subscribe to events happening in your account. You can use a single endpoint to subscribe to several different event types at once, or set up individual endpoints for specific events.

Unique identifier for the object
objectstring, value is "webhookEndpoint"
A string representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
A flag with a value true if the webhook endpoint is active and events are sent to the url. false if the webhook endpoint is inactive and no calls are sent to the url.
The moment at which the object was created. Measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
An arbitrary long form explanation for the endpoint.
List of events this endpoint is subscribed to. If not specified or equals to *, it is subscribed to all events. For possible events see the Supported event types.
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object for storing additional information in a structured format.
A flag with a value false if the object exists in live mode or true if the object exists in test mode.
The url registered to be called when any of the subscribed events occur. Needs to be an https endpoint.
The moment at which the object was last updated. Measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.