Cancel an order
You can easily cancel any uncaptured (or partially captured) order using the Smartpay dashboard or our API. When you cancel an order the funds are returned to the shopper and they can use them to make other purchases.
If you cancel the order any uncaptured amount will be canceled and returned to the shopper. You won't be able to capture it later. Smartpay can not reverse this action for you.
In the Smartpay dashboard
1. Find the order you wish to cancel
After you login to your Smartpay dashboard you can see the list of your orders. You can filter for your uncaptured orders. You can search for a specific order by order id, reference, customer name and customer email.
Once you found the right order, click on it to open the order details page.
Order list
Order details
2. Cancel the order
On the order details page click Cancel. Click Yes.
If you cancel the order any uncaptured amount will be canceled and returned to the shopper. You won't be able to capture it later. Smartpay can not reverse this action for you.
Cancel an order
Using the Smartpay API
1. Cancel the order
Using the orderId
for the order you wish to cancel, cancel an order using the Smartpay API.
curl --request PUT \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {secretKey}'
Updated 8 months ago